HD Quiz

Free and Easy way to create fun quizzes for your site

HD Quiz is a FREE WordPress quiz plugin used by tens of thousands of people every day. With a 5-start rating on WordPress.org, HD Quiz is the best quiz plugin for your site.

The HD Quiz Creation Journey

I first launched HD Quiz and uploaded to the WordPress plugin repository in October of 2015 (wow!). The original version was very simple. It used Custom Post types to store questions, and used a Custom Taxonomy to act as the quizzes. It was very simple and light-weight, and didn’t have a lot of features. And the initial response was amazing.

I was extremely surprised and excited to see how fast random people were finding HD Quiz, and falling in love with it. After the first few months, I had over a hundred active users and several support requests for new features — which I was happy to fulfill.

Features like pagination, advanced marking (showing not just if the user got the question correct or incorrect, but also going the extra step to show what the correct answer was supposed to me), quiz timers, etc., were all added in and were all user suggested features. I even received my very first donation out of the blue (a user sent me $30 as a thank-you for creating HD Quiz !).

Now here we are, all these years later, and HD Quiz is one of the most feature-rich and popular quiz builders on the entire platform, with nothing but glowing reviews and a dedicated user base.

So if you need to add quizzes to your own site, be sure to give HD Quiz a try!

Demo Quiz



#1. What movie did Nicolas Cage star in where he played a character who was wrongly accused of murder?

#2. In what movie did Nicolas Cage play a character who was an art forger?

#3. What movie is notable for being the first film in which Nicolas Cage played a completely fictional role, and not based on any real person or character?

#4. In what movie did Nicolas Cage play a character who was an IRS agent?

#5. Which movie starring Nicolas Cage was based on a novel of the same name by John Grisham?


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